The Proven Framework for Hard Problems

Disorganized problem-solving efforts are costing you a great deal. In this session, you will learn a proven framework to analyze problems, build team alignment, and accelerate results.

An excerpt from my “Problem Hacking” talk at Condemotion Conference in Rome.

Employers are more interested in a candidate’s problem-solving and analytical reasoning skills than a college major.

Experts in problem-solving emphasize the importance of deeply understanding the problem before implementing solutions.

Most managers tend to do the exact opposite - they switch quickly into solution mode without checking whether they really understand the problem. They are aware that their organizations are bad at problem diagnosis and that this flaw carries significant costs.

Moving in too fast from identifying a problem to generating solutions produces ineffective results and puts you at a lot at risk.

Analytical problem-solvers are in high demand

Let me teach you a proven framework for analyzing problems systematically so you can find solutions with greater precision.

You can systemize the process you use to build team alignment, identify root causes, and measure impact. It’s time to become better problem solvers.

Topics covered in this talk

  • The problem-solving approach of successful entrepreneurs

  • The unseen forces that stand in the way of effective solutions

  • 5-step framework to analyze problems

  • Template worksheet to collaborate with your team

  • Hands-on exercise to try for yourself

  • Implementation checklist to apply in your work

  • Kickoff slides to use with your team, boss, or clients

What People Are Saying

Problem Hacking: Problem-solving within Tech Companies